- 論文の詳細を見る
Canopy gaps and gap phase replacement in an old-growth beech forest with dwarf bamboo understory, Wakasugi Forest Reserve, southwestern Japan, were surveyed to clarify the regeneration and to predict the future status of the beech forest. Percentage gap area (percentage of total gap area to the area surveyed) was 15.2%. Gap density was 13.7gaps ha^<-1> and mean gap size was 110.6m^2 ranging from 9.1m^2 to 285.0m^2. Gaps smaller than 160m^2 were much more abundant than larger ones (73.7% of total 19gaps). About 68% of all gaps were those formed by single gapmakers and the remainder were by multiple gapmakers. Dominant mode for the death of canopy trees was by broken trunks; 42.9% of canopy trees died by broken trunks. Death of canopy trees by leaving standing-dead was 10.7% and that by uprooting was 7.1% of all gapmakers (28trees). Density and size traits of canopy trees in this forest were not different with those of other old-growth beech forests. Of important canopy tree species, Fagus crenata and Cryptomeria japonica might regenerate in gaps from saplings recruited before gap formation, although Betula grossa and Quercus mongolica had no regenerations. Thirty-nine percent of the area under crowns of canopy trees sampled and 58% of the understory of all gaps surveyed were occupied by a dwarf bamboo, Sasamorpha borealis, and were without regenerations of any tree species. If this situation continues, it seems that density and number of species of canopy trees in this forest will clearly decrease.
- 森林立地学会の論文
- 1995-12-30
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