3520 超硬合金切削におけるCo含有量および切削油の影響(S61-2 切削加工(2),S61 切削加工)
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Cemented carbides consist of hard particles and metallic binder, and have high hardness and strength. It is well known that cemented carbides are a kind of difficult-to-cut materials and the tool wear is very severe. In previous study, the turning and the micro cutting in the SEM were carried out to make clear the tool wear mechanism. However, there is few paper about the influence of Co contents and cutting fluids. Then, in this paper, the turning of three kinds of cemented carbides was carried in order to make clear the influence of Co contents, and the effect of cutting fluids was investigated in the dry, wet and mist cutting. The main results are shown as follows. (1) In the dry cutting, the tool wear increased with the decrease of Co contents. (2) In the mist cutting, the tool wear increased with the increase of Co contents. (3) In the dry cutting, the cutting temperature was low with the decrease of Co contents.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-09-07
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