D124 マイクロチャンネル内の電気浸透流による混合制御(表面張力・電気浸透流)
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Rapid mixing is essential on the micro-mixer in microfluidic systems. Mixing in micro-channel relies mainly on molecular diffusion due to the laminar flow at low Reynolds number. In the traditional micro-mixer, the mixing is processed in a long micro-channel flowing with. In this study, the mixing and the transport processes are separated by switching the electroosmosis flow sequentially in the simple T-junction micro-channel. The mixing is enhanced by inducing the micro-vortex at the T-junction by the oscillating electroosmosis flow.
- 2007-11-23
- D124 マイクロチャンネル内の電気浸透流による混合制御(表面張力・電気浸透流)
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