2306 JAXA実験用航空機を用いた環境観測について(メンテナンス・信頼性・モニタリング,OS6 メンテナンス・信頼性・モニタリング)
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The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has conducted the environment observation flights over the Sagami-Bay using the experimental aircraft Beechcraft 65. The purpose of the observation flights are (1) Periodic gas sampling in cooperation with the N__-ational I__-nstitute for E__-nvironmental S__-tudies (NIES) (2) In-flight evaluation of newly-developed automatic c__-ontinuous CO_2 m__-easuring e__-quipment (CME) (3) Aerosol observation flight for the development of an airborne turbulence detection sensor; l__-ight d__-etection a__-nd r__-anging sensor (LIDAR) In order to conduct research on long-term atmospheric changes in the areas adjacent to large cities, it has been requested that the observation flights be carried out periodically over Sagami-Bay near Tokyo, where there is heavy air traffic. This paper describes details of the environment observation measuring system, procedure adopted for the observation flight and the typical results.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-12-12
石川 和敏
宇宙航空研究開発機構 総合技術研究本部 飛行試験技術開発センター
稲垣 敏治
石川 和敏
石川 和敏
稲垣 敏治
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