OS2-2 風力・太陽光・バイオマスによるトリプルハイブリッド発電システムの開発研究(OS2 自然エネルギー,循環型社会における動力エネルギー技術)
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In recent years, the importance of renewable energy has been increasing because of the need to prevent global warming and to reduce harmful substances in environment. However, the introduction of these systems has been hindered because the power source of renewable energy is unstable. Among them, compared with wind and solar energy which depend on weather conditions, biomass energy can be stored and its input can be regulated. In order to stabilize the power source, the research group of the A.I.T. planed a development of the triple hybrid renewable energy generation system, consisting of a wind, solar and biomass generation system. Based on the weather conditions, the authors made a trial calculation of its energy production to establish the best conditions for the system. As a result, it became clear that a system consisting of 40kW of wind, 20kW of solar and 20kW of biomass generation is appropriate. Based on the result, the system was constructed and has been operating since April 2004. The authors also believe this system can not only contribute to solve worldwide environment problems, but it can also be adopted for technical assistance to developing countries.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-06-13
西沢 良史
牛山 泉
西沢 良史
牛山 泉
根本 泰行
出井 努
西沢 良史
足利工大 総合研究セ
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