- 論文の詳細を見る
The potassium, calcium, magnesium zinc, manganese, copper and phosphorus contents of 6 milled rice samples were measured by the ICP-OES method in cooperation with 5〜7 laboratories in Japan. According to the protocol that determined the measuring conditions etc., 6 milled blind replicate rice samples were measured, and single result of the contents (mg/kg, as received) of seven elements were reported. The data from which the maximum of one laboratory's data were removed by Cochran and Grubbs outlier test, and an analysis of the variance were carried out. The range of analysis values for six samples calculated from collaborative trial was as follows, RSD_r (the relative standard deviation of repeatability), RSD_R (the relative standard deviation of reproductibity) and HorRat values of potassium were 1.03〜1.86%, 5.08〜6.93% and 0.89〜1.13, respectively; those of magnesium were 1.87〜6.14%, 7.02〜9.99% and 1.06〜1.44, respectively; and those of calcium were 1.27〜5.93%, 3.40〜6.46% and 0.38〜0.70, respectively. The HorRat values of zinc, manganese, copper and phosphorus were 0.32〜0.54, 0.30〜0.65, 0.41〜1.49 and 1.18〜1.43, respectively. The HorRat values of all the elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and copper) being lower than 1.5, showed that the measured results of this collaborative trial were satisfying. Moreover, the results for RSD_R and RSD_r of this trial showed the validity of the measuring method of the inorganic element content in milled rice by the ICP-OES method.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 2009-02-05
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