P-18 Haouamine類の合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
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Haouamines, a family of marine alkaloids, were isolated from a tunicate, Aplidium haouarianum, in the southern coast of Spain by Zubia and co-workers. Among them, haouamine A (1) exhibits highly specific and strong cytotoxicity against HT-29 human colon carcinoma cell line (IC_<50>=200nM). Additionally, haouamines has the unique structural features such as cis-fused indeno-tetrahydropyridine and highly strained 3-aza-[7]-paracyclophane contained bent aromatic ring. Despite of its significant biological activity and unique structure, only one total synthesis has been reported because of its highly strained structure. According to the Baran's approach, we set the pentacyclic indeno-tetrahydropyridine 3 as a key intermediate, which would be obtained by intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reaction. We have prepared alcohol 16, the precursor of key intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reaction, starting from the known β-lactam 11. Staudinger ketene-imine cycloaddtion using ene-imine 10 and acid chloride 7 gave 11, which was then converted to 16 by a seven-step sequence including introductions of the two aryl groups. The crucial intramolecular Friedel-Crafts cyclization proceeded smoothly to furnish the unprecedented pentacyclic structure 19. The successful cyclization required exchanging of the phenolic protecting group from MOM ether to mesylate, activation of the tertiary hydroxy group, and the use of MeCN as aprotic polar solvent. After demesylation of 19, we examined oxidative deprotection of aryl group on the β-lactam nitrogen under several conditions. Finally, we found that the desired unprotected β-lactam 21 was obtained in high yield by treatment with iodebenzenediacetate in 1,4-dioxane-THF-water. In this reaction, choice of solvent was quite important. Then, β-lactam 21 was activated by installation of Boc group on the nitrogen and the ring opening reaction was investigated using a variety of organometallic reagents. While the β-lactam possessed a poor reactivity due to the steric hindrance, only benzonitrile anion cleanly added to furnish nitrile 23 in quantitative yield. Construction of the indeno-tetrahydropyridine skeleton is currently under investigation.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2008-09-01
徳山 英利
徳山 英利
奥山 圭一郎
杉本 健士
徳山 英利
東京大学大学院薬学系研究科 理学系研究科
杉本 健士
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