福島県訓令による会津地方の『郷土誌』に関する研究 : 福島県山都町の『郷土誌』を事例として
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We analyzed the natural enviroment, the occupation, the economy and customs at Icinoki in Yamato town by Kyodoshi. We tried elucidation of the actural situation in Icinoki in the last term of Meiji period to the early term of Showa. In Icninoki, there is a form place in the mountains. People who lived in Icinoki village engaed in agriculture. People in Kawairi made wood bowls by the abundant forest resources. For that reason, they didn't perform the annual function of agriculture courtesy, and they held the festival to the mountain god. On the other hand, people in Icinoki kept the harvest festival because their occupation was agriculture. By analyzing the Kyodoshi, we showed that people in Icinoki engaged in the occupation which was suitable for the natural enviroment. Futher, we clarified changing the side occupation by the economic conditions from the last term of Meiji period to the early term of Showa period.
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