東洋医学と芸術療法 : 色彩(五色)と五臓の関係(第2報)
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Introduction: Our purpose is to evaluate contribution of oriental medicine on art therapy by paying close attention to the five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) theory in conjunction with the five parenchematous viscera function theory (liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney), which is thought to reflect five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) underlying. Method: Questionnaire studies were done to 160 young paramedical students who had no special knowledge of oriental medicine nor the five colors theory. Subject's favor or disfavor to five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) were compared with his viscera function determined by Meiji oriental score (MOS) which classifies it by analyzing six representative clinical symptoms of the five oriental medical theory. Furthermore, a questionnaire was enforced about the color related to the liberation from the stress. Results and discussion: Chi-square test among the favor or disfavor colors and the viscera function revealed statistically significant relationship between the favorite blue color group (69 among 160 students) and the liver group (55 among 160 students) by MOS. These results suggested that ones favor or disfavor for colors possibly reflected ones internal viscera function and that the five colors theory based on oriental medicine was applicable to art therapy. Conclusions: The present survey discloses that the color which eased the stress of mind and body was blue. Furthermore, the theory of the color (five colors theory) of the oriental medicine is important in the harmony of mind and body.
- 了徳寺大学の論文
増山 茂
増山 茂
大澤 裕行
石丸 圭荘
福島 英夫
了徳寺 健二
大澤 裕行
増山 茂
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- 東洋医学と芸術療法 : 色彩(五色)と五臓の関係(第2報)
- 東洋医学と芸術療法 : 色彩(五色)と五臓の関係
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