フロストの二つの仮面劇について : 正義と慈悲
- Robert Frostと読者 : 解釈の問題を巡って
- Robert Frostの"West-Running Brook"考 : The tribute of the current to the source
- Robert FrostとWallace Stevens : 比較考察
- フロストの二つの仮面劇について : 正義と慈悲
- Robert FrostとEmily Dickinsonの詩 : 比較考察
- ホーソン文学集大成としてのThe Marble Faun
- The Blithedale RomanceにおけるHawthorneのStorytellingの技法について
- Emily Dickinsonの"The Soul selects her own Society"考
- The Scarlet Letterの成立
- A Reading of "Rappaccini's Daughter" : From Allegory to Symbolism
- Emily Dickinson and Modern Poetry
- The Theme, Structure and Narrative Technique in Melville's "Bartleby"
- A Study of The Blithedale Romance
- The House of the Seven Gables
- Emily Dickinson's Poetic Theories
- Edna St. Vincent Millay : Sonnets
- Sin and Redemption in William Faulkner
- Willa Cather and O Pioneers!
- Hawthorneに於ける罪と救い
- A Study of Emily Dickinson
- The Theme of Innocence in The Marble Faun
- Robert Frost and His New England
- 春の聖典
- Edith WhartonのEthan Fromeについて
- A Clarification of Life : A study in the making of Robert Frost's poems