会津藩家老梶原平馬をめぐる女性 : 山川二葉と水野貞
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Heima Kajiwara, who was the chief retainer of the Aizu-han in the last days of the Edo period, disappeared suddenly in the beginning of the Meiji period. He had a child with Futaba Yamakawa in the Edo period and some children with Tei Mizuno in the Meiji period. Futaba had been brought up under strictly 'Samurai' ethic of woman in the Aizu-han and worked in the Tokyo Women's College of Education. Tei was an advanced woman who founded a free, private elementary school in Nemuro, Hokkaido and worked to promote the importance of Education. Recently the re-evaluation of Tei's work brought with it the discovery of the location of Heima's tomb. The discovery clarified what happened at the end of Heima's life. Both Futaba and Tei brought up their children while working and single. Both women did not adhere to the traditional conventions of marriage, and lived their lives without depending on their husband.
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