- 論文の詳細を見る
This thesis is based on the inquiry of the reason of why theories contrary to one another existed in the study of the effects of TV violence on regular television viewers. For example, the catharsis theory insists that if people are exposed to violent programs, their aggressive behavior would decrease, while the observational learning theory insists that if people watch violent programs, their aggressive behavior would increase. To find an answer to this question, the author reviewed major studies on the effects of TV violence, and it was found that the researchers have ignored the differences of the types of violent programs on television, which has caused confusion in this field of study. They have used various kinds of violent programs in their experiments. In other words, there has been no study on the typology of violent television programs, and hence no study on the effects of television violence in relation to the types of the violent programs. Thus, the purpose of this study is to classify violent television programs into different types. After the examination of the nature of the four theories on the study of the effects of TV violence, predictions were made that if four theories in the study of the effects of the violent programs existed, four types of violent programs corresponding to the theories must also exist. Therefore, the following hypothesis was presented. The types of effects based on the theory of catharsis, observational learning, desensitization, and cultivation correspond respectively to the types of violent programs based on gratification. To test the above hypothesis, a survey was conducted. Out of 680 randomly sampled subjects, 268 people answered the questionnaires sent by mail. The data were factor-analyzed and four types of violent programs were obtained; namely 1) divertive, 2) empathic, 3) intellectually satisfying, and 4) laughter accompanying types of violent programs. After the examination of the nature of those four types of violent programs, it was revealed that these types of violent programs corresponded to the types of effects of the four theories of television violence. Specifically, the catharsis effect was related with divertive violent programs, the modeling effect was related with a intellectually satisfying violent program, the desensitization effect was related with laughter accompanying the violent program, and the cultivation effect was related with empathic violent programs. Through this study, the types of effects based on the theory of catharsis, observational learning, desensitization, and cultivation were found to correspond respectively to the types of violent programs based on gratification.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
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