キルケゴールにおける批判的主体の形成 : 『現代の批判』の教育論的意義
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From the ancient times all the great phjlosophers standjng at its turning point of the epoch have made it their mission to cast criticisms to the world. S. A. Kierkegaard (1813-1855), who is said to have built a bridge from the modern age to the present age, should be named as one of those philosophers. As a marginal man with living spirit of protest, he criticized his time in the process of dismantling of the existing values which accompanied with the collapes of the Vienna Establishment. He is the first thinker that faced the problems inherent in the present age; and he is the first philosopher that strived to find the clue for solving them. This is the reason why his influence is still prevailing in various fields of humanities. His greatness is appreciated more highly after his death than the time he was living. He is especially reappraised after the two World Wars in this century which brought to light the crisis of human existence. This proves how clearly he was seeing the problems of the preset age in advance. Among the great volmues of his books, Thg Present Age involves the prophetical warnings for us today, which is so enlightening as we can read it "as if it had been written yesterday". This essay shows how Kierkegaard, whose philosophical significance remains even today, grasped his living age and how he tried to relate it with his identity. Here the theme is examined from the historical, as well as philosophical, viewpoint, centering around Kierkegaard's The Present Age. Through the examination it will be clarified that he developed his thoughts of universal nature starting from the concrete situation in Denmark. This process of his speculation will be projected to our age. The studies on Kierkegaard hitherto have had the tendency to be swayed by the standpoint of the researchers engaged therein. In order to avoid such a mistake, the objective position of his stand should be marked out in the historical and philosophical background. It was inevitable that the European countries of the former part of the 19th century had the influence upon Kierkegaaad's thoughts. The critical subjectivity, which is a phase of his essence, was formed under the trend of liberalism against the Vienna Establishment which continued until 1848. In Denmark, which lost large part of its territory, the process of the collapse of the absolute imperial rule overlapped the process of the loss of dominance of Germany. Therefore, the complete emacipation of peasants in 1848 is characterized as "a cry of Danish land and the spout of underground water of the Northern Europe". At the same time it contributed to "the levelling phenomenon of society". Dennmark showed its uniqueness through the construction of the North-European Romanticism in philosophy and Folkchurch in religion. These motives of the time appeared concentratedly in Kierkegaard. The Present Age, which shows his social-philosophical insight, was written in the background so far described. Here we first analyse the work: The main topics are described under the title of "the characteristics of <the present age>" (that is, levelling, in a word), and "the conqest of <the present age>" (that is, individualizing, in a word). Secondly, his image of Christianity and also Unity is studied. The former is the radix of his criticism. The latter is grasped from the viewpoint of his unique concept of double reflection involving the democratic idea in true sense of the the word. That contains great significance of our age. Through our analysis it comes to be clear that the thought of Kierkegaard was formed based deeply on history and society. He not only criticized but also succeeded the problems that his age enbraced. At the same time all his concepts reflected the conciousness of sin. This is why his thoughts and ideas have outstanding depth and length. Kierkegaard's spirit of the critical succession can be the spirit of both study and education. We may recognize our post-war democracy and its education by learning his spirit.
- 国際基督教大学の論文