- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper concerns itself with, first, the examination of the relationships between some aspects of attitudinal similarity between the mother and the child and their interpersonal attraction at the stage of posttesting and, second, the examination of the variability of responses between the two tests made by the mother and the child. As was stated in the first report, four indices concerning attitudinal similarity between the mother and the child were obtained from children's ratings on themselves (C-I) and their perception of the mother's ratings (C-II) on the one hand, and the mothers' ratings on their actual child (M-I) and an ideal child (M-II) on the other. In the present study, 98 female second graders in a private junior high school in Tokyo and their mothers served as subjects. The pretest-posttest control group design was adopted and the subjects were randomly assigned either to the experimental condition (the feedback group) of to the control condition (non-feedback group). In the pretest, all the subjects rated the 50 items stated in the first report. Ten days after the pretest, feedback on each mother's responses regarding M-I and M-II were given to each child of the experimental group only. The posttest, consisting of the identical items with the pretest, was administered to all of the subjects, twelve days after the period of feedback. The following hypotheses derived from equilibrium theory, particularly Newcomb's postulates on interpersonal balance, were substantiated in the posttest as well as in the pretest. 1) The child's attraction to her mother was positively related to the mother's attraction to her child. 2) "Assumed similarity" was positively related to the child's attraction to her mother. 3) "Real similarity" was positively related to the child's attraction to her mother, but contrary to the prediction, it was not significantly related to the mother's attraction to her child. 4) "Accuracy" was also positively related to the child's attraction to her mother. 5) Further, "satisfaction" was positively related to the mother's attraction to her child, which had not been supported in the pretest. Next, the examination of responses of control group subjects between both tests revealed the following concerning the variability and the stability of the responses on the part of those subjects. 1) The variability of four indices were less than one third of the random variable errors. 2) The increase of "assumed similarity" and "satisfaction" of the control group subjects was less conspicuous than that of the experimental ones. 3) The variability of responses relating to intrapersonal cognitive structuring, such as "assumed similarity", was larger than that relating to the interpersonal system, such as "real similarity" and "accuracy". 4) The variability of responses by children was larger than that by mothers. These findings were generally consistent with the predictions based on the equilibrium theory. Along with two other relevant articles by the authors, the results show more evidences of the applicability of the equilibrium theory to the investigation of parent-child relationships.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 500 社会性と人間関係(541〜6)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 測定・評価 : e 人格III(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 社会(401〜408)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(310〜315)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 6-2 教育環境・社会(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 道徳性の発達とその規定因(総合研究・試験研究要約)
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- Doll Play場面における幼児の行動の研究
- ドルプレイ場面における幼児の行動と研究 第1報告 : 学級・幼児
- 本邦における児童心理関係文献目録 : 1953年以後の分
- 10 青年における対人態度認知の機制(第2報告) : (その2) 好き嫌いの感情と関係する要因の分析(3.発達(青年))
- 均衡理論の適用による母-子の態度に関する研究(第2報告)
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- 9 青年における対人態度認知の機制(第2報告) : (その1) 友人関係の場合 : 均衡理論による吟味(3.発達(青年))
- 均衡理論の適用による母-子の態度に関する研究(第1報告)
- 3 発達 : 青年2(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 314 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : -その3- 子どもの道徳性判断反応と地域階層の特性(人格3-2,300 人格)
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- 312 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : (その1)親-子の道徳判断反応の比較(人格3-2,300 人格)
- 404 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その1)準拠人選択反応と道徳判断反応の全般的特徴
- 236 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第3報告) : 道徳性テスト作成の試み(II)(200 発達)
- 621 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : (その3)個人別にみた準拠対象・準拠集団の型(社会)
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- 619 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : (その1)全体計画,準拠集団調査の枠組および全般的特徴(社会)
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- 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第2報告)
- 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : 子どもの準拠人
- 406 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その3)自己と準拠人の道徳判断反応の一致・不一致の効果
- 405 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その2)交友選択にみられる対人態度と, 準拠対象及び道徳判断の類似性との関連
- 338 道徳性の発達 : (1)道徳性テスト作成の試み(人格III,3.測定・評価)
- David E. Hunt and Edmund V. Sullivan, Between Psychology and Education., Hinsdale, III.:The Dryden Press, 1974., vii+312pp., $8.95
- 305 準拠対象としての友人の選択範囲の一分析 : 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第2報告)(300 人格)
- 家族関係の視点から (シンポジアムII 児童・生徒理解の実践的方法)
- 544 協同-競争と対人態度 : (第1報告) 全体計画および協同-競争に対する態度尺度の作成(500 社会性と人間関係)
- 137 青年における対人態度認知の機制(その1) : 均衡理論による吟味(予備報告)(1.発達)
- 625 課題遂行に及ぼす協同と競争および対人関係の効果(2)
- イリノイ大学キャンパスより(所感と報告)
- 協同と競争について(その二)
- 協同と競争について(その一)