アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツにおける比較教育学の成立と発展(一) : 比較教育学方法論序説
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From the post-war reform of education Japan has been given a clear object lesson of the dangers of implementing foreign systems of education without real consideration and insight into the reasons behind the evolution of those systems. Therefore it is not without reason that recently Comparative Education has been getting much attention in Japan. It is not an easy matter to study Comparative Education, however. First of all one is confronted with the diversity of the concept of Comparative Education. In a sense, this diversity is inevitable in such a newly developed subject. The diversity is seen even among the terms used to discribe the subject in each country. Such term seems to reflect the special character of the learning of each country. The diversity is also caused by the different circumstances under which the comparative study of education in each country has been done. Of course, all countries are nowadays confronted with many common problems, and we see the tendency in which Comparative Education in all countries shares the same interests, attitudes and methods. Here we might find a clue for general agreement on the concept of Comparative Education. Before trying to reach such agreement, however, the auther wants to trace the historical development of Comparative Education in each of three major countries, i.e. the U.S.A., Great Britain and Germany, which have contributed to make Comparative Education an admitted academic subject, and wants to try to understand the interests, methods and concepts of their studies with the consideration for the political and educational conditions behind them. The present study consists of four chapters; the first three being concerned with a historical sketch of the studies on Comparative Education in each of three countries respectively, the last being a conclusion in view of the recent development in these countries. In this volume, however, only the first two chapters are contained; i.e. chapter one on the development of Comparative Education in the U.S.A., and chapter two on that in Great Britain. In both countries, Comparative Education has developed in this century, in particular since the First World War, anticipated by the important works of their nineteenth century forerunners who were connected with the movements for establishing the national systems of education in these countries. In the U.S.A. the practical values of Comparative Education has been recognised since the beginning of this century when American educators started to take an important part in the U.S. world politics through their international educational activities. By investigating the works of Dr. P. Monroe and others in the International Institute of Columbia University, the interests, methods and concepts of Comparative or International Education in the U.S.A. in the period between about 1910 and 1940 will be analysed in the light of the political and educational background of that time. Special attention will be paid to Dr. I.L. Kandel, as it is he who established the clear methodology of Comparative Education in the U.S.A. by his works published between about 1910 and 1940, in particular those published in 1930's and the famous "Comparative Education" (1933). His methodology is to study the national systems of education particularly in the major Western countries in the light of political, social and cultural forces, in particular of nationalism. This method will be discussed in relation to political background. The development of Comparative Education in Great Britain has been parallel with the British imperial policy which has recognised the importance of educational policy in it since about 1920. Thus since its establishment in 1932, the Institute of Education of the University of London has served as a centre of educational activity in British imperial policy and has contributed to the development of Comparative Education in Britain. Important contributions to Comparative Education have appeared in the Year Books of Education which have been published in cooperation with the Institute. Among the contributors (and also editors) was Dr. N. Hans who has done much for Comparative Education in Britain, and who has been one of the outstanding scholars in this field. His major work "Comparative Education" (1949) shows in a clear form his methodology which is to study the factors and traditions underlying national systems of education. By investigating his works published since the end of the 1920's in the light of political and educational background, the author will trace the formation of his methodology and discuss it.