- 論文の詳細を見る
In the preliminary report the author tried to survey the experimental study on cooperation and competition. In the present article the experimental study on this subject designed by the author himself is mainly treated. The purpose is to study how each small group reveals its cooperative or competitive behavior under the cooperative and competitive situation. The small groups (two persons per each group; 13〜14 ages) consist of identical and fraternal twins (16 pairs; 4 pairs), those who accept each other (16 pairs), and who reject each other or are mutually indifferent (16 pairs). They were divided into the two groups-cooperative and competitive-(8 pairs each) according to the same instruction as M. Deutsch's. The block-design and certain puzzle-solving were chosen as tasks for them. The amount of problem-solving and communication were taken as the measures. Immediately after the experiment the questionnaire of SCT type were distributed to them and their results were analyzed. In addition to that their general behavior was observed, the atmosphere of the situations, pressure, their attitudes to the task etc. were rated. The findings are as follows: though it is possible to set experimentally the cooperative or competitive situation, the cooperative or competitive behavior are very much concerned with the matter of human relations in a real situation. For instance, even though the individuals are put in the experimental cooperative situation, it is frequently observed that they do not show much cooperative behavior, if they are not intimate each other. But in general more communication and interaction are found in the cooperative groups than in the competitive ones. In such a situation the difference in the amount of the problem-solving between the two individuals in the same group and there more friendliness and greater percentage of group functions among individuals in cooperative situations. The interaction between the twin partners lies between that of the intimate pairs and indiffent pairs. Therefore, whe we utilize the cooperation and competition in the classroom situation, the effort for improving human relatious would be necessary at the same time.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 500 社会性と人間関係(541〜6)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 測定・評価 : e 人格III(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 社会(401〜408)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(310〜315)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 6-2 教育環境・社会(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
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- 本邦における児童心理関係文献目録 : 1953年以後の分
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- 9 青年における対人態度認知の機制(第2報告) : (その1) 友人関係の場合 : 均衡理論による吟味(3.発達(青年))
- 均衡理論の適用による母-子の態度に関する研究(第1報告)
- 3 発達 : 青年2(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
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- 312 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : (その1)親-子の道徳判断反応の比較(人格3-2,300 人格)
- 404 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その1)準拠人選択反応と道徳判断反応の全般的特徴
- 236 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第3報告) : 道徳性テスト作成の試み(II)(200 発達)
- 621 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : (その3)個人別にみた準拠対象・準拠集団の型(社会)
- 620 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : (その2)子どもの生活場面を通して見た準拠集団(社会)
- 619 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : (その1)全体計画,準拠集団調査の枠組および全般的特徴(社会)
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- 406 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その3)自己と準拠人の道徳判断反応の一致・不一致の効果
- 405 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その2)交友選択にみられる対人態度と, 準拠対象及び道徳判断の類似性との関連
- 338 道徳性の発達 : (1)道徳性テスト作成の試み(人格III,3.測定・評価)
- David E. Hunt and Edmund V. Sullivan, Between Psychology and Education., Hinsdale, III.:The Dryden Press, 1974., vii+312pp., $8.95
- 305 準拠対象としての友人の選択範囲の一分析 : 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第2報告)(300 人格)
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- 544 協同-競争と対人態度 : (第1報告) 全体計画および協同-競争に対する態度尺度の作成(500 社会性と人間関係)
- 137 青年における対人態度認知の機制(その1) : 均衡理論による吟味(予備報告)(1.発達)
- 625 課題遂行に及ぼす協同と競争および対人関係の効果(2)
- イリノイ大学キャンパスより(所感と報告)
- 協同と競争について(その二)
- 協同と競争について(その一)