ヨルダン政府とイラク難民 : イラク戦争後の難民の動態
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the migration trend of Iraqi refugees after the Iraq War andthe Jordanian government’s policy on this issue following its long historical relationship with Iraq. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, both Iraq and Jordan were established under the Hashemite dynasty, which was supported by Britain and France during the Mandate Period. After the coup d’état, monarchy ended in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein and his Ba’ath party ascended to power. Initially, the relation between Iraq and Jordan was tense because of the Ba’ath ideology. However King Hussein of Jordan chose to consider Iraq as a strong partner in the region, and Iraq found benefit from having close ties with Jordan. The two countries thus became close allies and remained so even after the two wars in the Gulf area; the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88 and the Gulf War in 1991. After the Iraq War, the situation changed: the government under Saddam Hussein was overturned, and Iraq fell into turmoil of violence under its new provisional government. King Hussein had already passed away and was succeeded by King Abdullah Ⅱ who assumed a pro-the Western stance. Nevertheless, Jordan continued to support the Iraqi refugees and provided a safe base for the international relief organizations; this stance was unwelcomed by Iraqi extremists. In November 2005, three hotels in Amman were attacked supposedly by Al-Qaida group. Jordan closed its border with Iraq as a preventive measure against the infiltration of more Islamic extremists. Another wave of refugee migration further changed the situation. In 2006, the bombing of the Shiite Askari Mosque in Iraq ignited conflict between the religious sects in Iraq. Jordan was unable to stop the influx of Iraqi refugees fleeing from the violence, and offered them a safe living space. However, at the same time the Jordanian government revised its immigration regulations. It welcomed international aid for the refugees under the condition that the country itself be considered as one of the beneficiaries. Thus, Jordan took advantage of its position and found its new way to survive amidst the Middle-Eastern turmoil following the Iraq War
- 離散と故郷 : ヨルダンのパレスチナ系住民にみられる帰属意識とナショナリズム(中東研究博士論文要旨)
- 読書案内 パレスチナ問題を読む (世界史の研究(222))
- ディアスポラのパレスチナ人--離散の過程と法的地位の多様性について (平成19年度報告書)
- ヨルダンのパレスチナ人社会--ディアスポラの現状における帰属意識とナショナリズム
- レバノン政治とパレスチナ人の就労問題--2010年の法規制緩和と帰化をめぐる議論
- ヨルダンにおけるガザ難民の法的地位 : UNRWA登録、国籍取得と国民番号をめぐる諸問題
- ヨルダン政府とイラク難民 : イラク戦争後の難民の動態
- 変容するパレスチナの婚姻事情
- 書評 Benny Morris: One state, two states: resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict
- 書評 Oroub El-Abed. 2009. Unprotected: Palestinians in Egypt since 1948
- パレスチナ/イスラエル 一国家案の再考 : 国家像をめぐる議論の展開とシティズンシップ (奈良本英佑教授 退職記念号) -- (特集 袋小路のパレスチナ紛争 : 現状と史的背景)
- パレスチナにおける社会運動とインターネット利用 : 二〇一一年「アラブの春」とフェイスブック上での抗議運動の展開 (特集 中東から変わる世界) -- (「アラブの春」に見る軍・宗教・メディア : 地域間比較から)
- 書評 Amal Jamal, The Palestinian National Movement: Politics of Contention, 1967-2005.
- 二つのインティファーダ--その言説とわたしたち (総特集 思想としてのパレスチナ) -- (パレスチナへ)
- 終わらない現実としてのパレスチナ (総特集 混成アジア映画の海 : 時代と世界を映す鏡) -- (映画に見るアジアのナショナリティの揺らぎ)
- 変える中から学ぶ ─ 紛争地パレスチナ/イスラエルでのフィールドワーク