LOHAS「思想」発展の現状とその未来 : ボウルダーにおける「先進的実験」から学ぶ
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The object of this paper is to analyze the present state of LOHAS movements in Boulder.In this city, there are many produce retailers such as Whole Foods Market, Green Farmers Market, safeway,and Costco. Recently these retailers began to sell many organic vegetables, fruits, and dairy products swch as milk. These organic goods are very popular among the health conscious in habitants of Boulder. But these goods have been sold at high prices. Theseorganic goods also have competition. In Boulder, there is another street market called "Farmers Market. " This market is open every Thursday and Saturday on 13th Street. This market is run by a group of small farmers producing organic vegetables. These individual farmers provide agricultural products recognized as valuable. It is natural and to be to want to buy these healthy organic foods interested in the future of LOHAS in Boulder. There is also an interesting city plan called the "Smart Grids" Policy. The cost of setting up this policy is estimated at 100,000,000,000 yen. The Exel Energy and Boulder City included it in their budget for 2008, and this major project began in August,2008.
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