わが国におけるコーポレート・ガバナンスの問題 : 大企業および中堅企業の調査を中心として
- 論文の詳細を見る
The study or investigation of corporate governance in Japan is currently being undertaken from many perspectives, and knowledge is steadily accumulating about real examples of corporate management. Our project team for studying corporate governance has three objectives. First, we would like a firmer grasp of the governance frameworks of Japan's listed companies as well as small and medium-sized non-listed companies. We included special questions in the questionnaires we sent out as a preliminary survey last February, in order to get a better understanding not only of the innovations of independent directors, advisory boards, and accounting advisors, but also of the actual conditions of corporate ownership. Secondly, we intend to approach M&As from a practical viewpoint, by studying how they have actually been carried out: the actual experiences of those involved, their basic motivations, and what protection or defenses against mergers Japan's listed and small and medium-sized non-listed companies can employ. Thirdly, we will study how listed and small and medium-sized non-listed companies are wrestling with CSR, based on responses to our questions about their approaches to CSR, management ethics, etc.
- 中央学院大学の論文
- 平田光弘著, 『経営者自己統治論』-社会に信頼される企業の形成-, 中央経済社, 2008年, pp.410
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