On game interpretations for the curvature flow equation and its boundary problems (パターンダイナミクスの数理とその周辺--RIMS研究集会報告集)
Liu Qing
Graduate School Of Information Production And Systems Waseda University
Liu Qing
Graduate School Of Mathematical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
- A Broadband High Suppression Frequency Doubler IC for Sub-Millimeter-Wave UWB Applications
- A 1.2-3.2GHz CMOS VCO IC Utilizing Transformer-Based Variable Inductors and AMOS Varactors
- A 66-dBc Fundamental Suppression Frequency Double IC for UWB Sensor Applications
- A CMOS Class-G Supply Modulation for Polar Power Amplifiers with High Average Efficiency and Low Ripple Noise
- On game interpretations for the curvature flow equation and its boundary problems (パターンダイナミクスの数理とその周辺--RIMS研究集会報告集)