「大学評価」の展開 : 臨教審から大学審まで
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"Institutional evaluation" has become one of the most important issues in Japan's higher education for the 1990's. The Ad Hoc Council for Educational Reform established in 1984 as an Advisory Council to the prime Minister proposed the need for deregulation of governmental control as well as liberalization of curriculum control. The University Council, the advisory organ to the Minister of Education created at the suggestion of the Ad hoc Council, also recommended in 1991 to all the institutions of higher education to implement self-study and institutional evaluation on their own initiatives. The University Council also suggested some sort of outside evaluation by any associations of higher education. As this recommendation was promulgated by governmental regulation, this self-study and institutional evaluation became the obligatory for institutions of higher education. Especially when any institutions plan to create new departments or change curriculum, they are required to show the Ministry the findings of self-study as well as the results of institutional evaluation. Although many universities began to recognize the necessity and inevitability of institutional evaluation, most of them are finding it confused to tackle the new challenge, (to be continued.)
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