1950年代における現場管理組織の改革とフォアマン制度の導入(6) : 石川島重工における勤労政策の展開を中心として
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After the WWII period, especially from later 1940s to 1950s, the discourse on the American Management System had deeply impacted the most Japanese Management, so that most of them had tried to adopt it to modernize their traditional management system. Because the discourse had suggested that there had been no other way than adopting it to reconstruct the management system and catch up the economy of advanced countries. Many a management policy had been carried out to achieve this aim above mentioned. One of the most important management reformation was introduction of foreman system based on line and staff system. But was the function and character of foreman in Japanese enterprise eqpual to counterpart in American enterprise? In additon this question, the discourse does not interpret how and why this difference had been occurred in detailed and based on the typical case. What problems had the Labour Management Section's staff in charge faced when they had tackled the difficult reformation of management system, especially reformation of employee system ? Keeping this point in mind, we take up the reformation process of employee system finally related to the introduction of "Shokucho Seido", Japanese Foreman System in Ishikawajima we consider the first case in Japan. By doing this study, we can grasp the gist of meaning of the management reformation proceeded in early post WWII period. We take up the problems as follows. Firstly, we glance at the discourse on the management reformation policy, especially on the introduction problems of Forman System. Secondly, we examine the introduction process of "Shokuchou Seido" in Ishikawajima Heavy Industries Co. Thirdly, we consider their character and function and then take up the management policy developed after introduction of "Shokucho Seido".
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2009-03-10
- 1950年代における現場管理組織の改革とフォアマン制度の導入(6) : 石川島重工における勤労政策の展開を中心として
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