- 論文の詳細を見る
This article attempts to consider about an essence of music drama of R.Wagner, from the religional-penomenological viewpoint of M.Eliade, a professor of religion. Eliade points out the traditional idea "Archetype and Repetition" is the universal behavioral form of mankind,and this idea is found in many traditional cultures…… particularly on ceremonies of these cultures. Then,a relic of this traditional idea…… "Archetype and Repetition"……can be found in the music drama of the composer Wagner, as synthesis art of him. His music dramas are the stage where this "Archetype " of "Passion of Jesus" is repeated. For Wagner, the ideal model of "Salvation" is nothing but "Passion of Jesus". He transforms the model into his own music drama through replaying this "archetype and pictures the truth of" "Salvation". By replaying archetype of "Passion of Jesus", the stage of his music drama is separated from common space and time, and transfigures to sacred space and timewhich lets spectators feel "Salvation". And on the other hand the existence form of this music drama bears a striking resemblance to the traditional idea of "Archetype and Repetition".
- 2000-00-00
- 1 ナウシカ再考(第9回鈴鹿国際大学短期大学部教員研究発表会)
- 12 神なき時代の黙示録 : 劇画『ナウシカ』の終末論(第8回鈴鹿国際大学短期大学部教員研究発表会)
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