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Malaysian government and the central bank have aggressively given local and foreign-owned banks the license to transact the Islamic banking business to expand and activate Islamic financial market in Malaysia, since Bank Negara Malaysia developed "Financial Sector Masterplan" in 2000 and the Islamic Banking Act was revised in 2005. According to these changes, three kinds of Middle East-based Islamic financial institutions have advanced into Malaysia. These foreign banks try to play significant roles as a channel of money between Malaysia and Middle Eastern countries for companies and individuals which advance into Malaysia through the new economic policies to accelerate economic growth and elevate income levels in each region, that is, IDR, NCER and ECER, and through the MM2HP. It can be said that these foreign banks are doing financing business corresponding with financial demand in Malaysia because their selection of industrial sectors to finance resembles the proportion of GDP and the selection by local banks. To such a current situation, there are problems which cause the obstruction of the advancement of these banks due to three elements; the dissatisfaction of local companies with the preferential treatment to the foreign companies by the government, the influence of international politics, and the difference of the interpretation of Shari'a compliance between Malaysia and Middle Eastern countries.
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