- 論文の詳細を見る
The body is in tune with, and responds in empathy, to the experience of image. The "externalization" of the internal world and the "internalization" of the external world through physical perception constitute the basic structure of image. The image on the film screen induces the formation of, and incorporates into the internal process, meaning and concept on the one hand and sensibility and emotion on the other. The former is merely the formation of meaning using the medium of language both directly and indirectly. The latter is closely related to tne workings of the subconscious and our internal, organic sensitivity such as that of breath and pulse. It implies the subjective comprehension of the sensation of space and rhythm, both physiologically and emotionally. The relationship of the two is complementary. Yet we must not lose sight of the fact that sensibility and emotion are materialized as an emotional added value to the image of connotation and activates the expression of image in a sensual way. And it is tne empathetic response of the physical sensation which raises sensibility to the level of assimilation. Assimilation is the unification of self and the external world through the medium of the inter-physical element. The inter-physical is the system of mutual penetration of the external and the internal and is a dualistic concept, being both internal and external. The external world revealed through the inter-physical is the world of reality up to the present, with the whole history of mankind included in it, and the internal world is that wherein exifts the whole memory of that history. The former is structure as culture and system, the latter as collective subconscious (mythological collective fantasy). If the inter-physical were to be considered "langue", each individual body would be "parole". The body is that which is actually living and functioning and, triggered by perception of the external world, it consistently awakens the phylogenic and ontogenic memory and is projected to the "here and now", from the past and directed towards the future. The experience of image, therefore, is a "kinetic system of relationships" basically forming a monistic system of the dualistic juxtaposition of subjectivity and objectivity, concept and emotion, passivity and activity, past and future, self and others, individuality and collectivity.
- 日本映像学会の論文
- 1979-05-15
日本映像学会 | 論文
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- レヴュー ドゥルーズ『シネマ』の英米圏における受容(1)哲学的理解から映画論の再考に向けて スティーヴン・シャヴィロ『The Cinematic Body』 D.N.ロドウィック『Gilles Deleuze's Time Machine』
- ドゥル-ズ『シネマ』にみるイメ-ジの分類学