フランスにおける移民・外国人労働者の排斥・分離・統合 : 19世紀末から両大戦間期を中心に(大会報告・共通課題:労働のグローバル化と国家・地域-歴史と現状-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the age of the industrial revolution, the industrialization in France has depended heavily on immigrants and foreign labor, and their integration has become a major social problem. Consequently, the French case may be considered an early precedent of the globalization of labor market. G. Noiriel, whose work 'The French Melting Pot' is the starting point of studies on the history of immigrants and foreign laborers in France, criticizes French historians for considering simply the problem to be the integration of foreigners into French society unified at the time of the French Revolution. Noiriel realizes that the elimination of foreign cultures by the French and the abandonment of national identities by the immigrants also must be examined. Based on his view and recent works on the history of immigrants, in this paper we outline the conditions of foreign laborers, examine the process of elimination-integration, and consider the segmentation-assimilation of foreign laborers within the working class in France. Our examination of the French case draws three conclusions: first, in France foreign laborers make up 10-15% of the labor population, and the elimination of their cultures, which begins at the end of the 19th century, is intensified between the two world wars. Second, in spite of the great influx and efflux of foreign laborers, a significant number takes root in the French society. Finally, within the working class, the first generation immigrants tend to stay at the bottom of the labor market, but as subsequent generations gradually get higher positions, they tend to fuse into a new working class with French laborers.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2005-04-30
- フランス経済史の視点から(コメント1)(大会報告・共通論題:現代化過程における日本の雇用-企業と「公共性」-,2008年度秋季学術大会)
- フランスにおける移民・外国人労働者の排斥・分離・統合 : 19世紀末から両大戦間期を中心に(大会報告・共通課題:労働のグローバル化と国家・地域-歴史と現状-)
- 齊藤佳史著, 『フランスにおける産業と福祉-1815-1914-』, 日本経済評論社, 2012年, xv+264頁