「満州国」における鉱産物流通組織の再編過程 : 日満商事の設立経緯1932-1936年
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to examine the reorganizing of mineral resources distribution in the 'nation' (puppet state) of Manchuria, via a case study on the establishment of the Nichiman Shoji trading company in 1936. Previous studies of the wartime Manchurian economy have tended to focus on various strategies to increase the mining of mineral resources, while neglecting the issue of distribution. I start by looking at the reorganization problems of the South Manchuria Railway Company (SMR) in the period from 1932 to 1936, showing how reorganization of mineral resource organization prefigured the shift to a wartime command economy in Manchuria. I discuss three separate plans for the establishment of a trading company, drawn up respectively by the Economic Research Society of SMR (Mantetsu Keizai Chosakai), Kwantung Army (Kanto-gun), and that of the Commerce Department (Shoji-bu) of SMR. It was the third of these plans that finally came to fruition, resulting in the establishment of Nichiman Shoji. I identify three phases in the process of establishing the company: gapin 1933-Feb 1934, February 1934 to autumn 1934, and autumn 1934 to 1936. From the second phase onward, leadership of the trading company plan started shifting to the SMR Commercial Department, mainly because its members were more adept than rival planners at coordinating the complex rivalry between the two major coal-mining companies en route to establishing a wartime command economy.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2003-01-30
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- 「満州国」における鉱産物流通組織の再編過程 : 日満商事の設立経緯1932-1936年