研究用原子炉の都市近郊立地に関する歴史的考察 : 関西研究用原子炉と武蔵工業大学研究用原子炉の比較検討
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This paper compares the history of planning process for the installation the Kansai Research Reactor (KRR) with that of the Musashi Institute of Technology Research Reactor (MITRR), and analyzes the movements against those reactors, pointing out similarities in these histories. The purpose of this paper is to suggest some problems in the management of risk, for the sake of the safety of Nuclear Facilities in Japanese society. This paper provides details on the planning process for the instillation of the MITRR in Ozenzi, Asao-Ku, Kawasaki-City, in 1959. The same year, the KRR was planned for Katano, which was discussed in my paper in the previous issue of this journal. It then points out differences between these reactors. Finally, the paper discusses the similar fate of those research reactors situated in urban areas, irrespective of differences in the planning stage.
- 研究用原子炉の都市近郊立地に関する歴史的考察 : 関西研究用原子炉と武蔵工業大学研究用原子炉の比較検討
- リスク論導入の歴史的経緯とその課題 : 関西研究用原子炉の安全性に対する日本学術会議の見解を事例に
- 初期原子力政策と戦後の地方自治-相克の発生 : 関西研究用原子炉交野案設置反対運動を事例に