- 論文の詳細を見る
The cyclone 'Nargis' hit the southern part of Myanmar on May 2^<nd> and 3^<rd> 2008. This devastating cyclone caused enormous number of casualties as well as fatal damages to houses and paddy fields, particularly both the downstream areas of the Irrawaddy and Yangon Rivers. In the present field survey, thought the activities were limited to the area near Yangon city due to certain government restrictions, it was found that the tide due to the storm surge was probably up to 3-4m around 50 kilometers upstream of the river mouth of Yangon River. According to interviews with the local residents, it also appears that significant flooding took place at inland areas as a result of the upsurge through the tributaries or channels from the main river. Even though the situation was catastrophic, it seems that most residents had not evacuated. One of the reasons for this could be related to the fact that the cyclone passed through the area investigated in the late night to the early morning of May 3^<rd>. Another reason might be because of an underestimation or the lack of perception of the threat of storm surge. Apart from the investigation, the tracks for the present and past cyclones (1945-2007) have been analyzed based on a string of best track data. The results reveal that quite a small number of cyclone (roughly 2 times on average every 10 years) have hit the southern coast of Myanmar compared to the number of cyclones that hit the coast of Bangladesh, and that the route that Nargis traced is rather unique.
- 2008-11-29
柴山 知也
柴山 知也
横浜国立大学 工学研究科/留学生センター
高木 泰士
HNU Ngun
Hnu Ngun
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