- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to clarify: 1) the background that led C. Diem to attempt the reconciliation between Deutsche Turnerschaft (DT) and the sports federations (Deutsche Sportbehorde fur Leichtathletik and Deutscher Fusssallbund), 2) the way in which Diem proposed to control each field of activity, 3) how Diem considered his standpoint in this attempt, and 4) die Turner's reaction to Diem's attempt. The findings were as follows: 1) When Diem played a leading role in the activities of Jungdeutschlandbund and the organizing committee of the Berlin Olympics, in which the DT and the sports federations were requested to cooperate, he insisted on a reconciliation between the two. 2) Diem attempted to reconcile the DT with the sports federations by insisting on specialized control of each field of activity. 3) As the leader of the Deutsche Sportbehorde fur Leichtathletik and the leader of the Berlin Olympics organizing committee, Diem insisted on specialized control. He promoted reinforcing the mind and body of Germans as the common aim of the DT and the sports federations. This was the common aim of the organizations that participated inJungdeutschlandbund. In this aim, Diem found a point of accord between the DT and the sports federations. 4) F. Goetz stated that the control rights for each field of activity could not be entrusted to other organizations, and rejected Diem's reconciliation plan. The articles about this topic that had been published in der Deutsche Turnzeitung and der Monatschrift fur das Turnwesen, also reflect the intransigence of Goetz. However, when Diem described the reconciliation plan in the book published in 1914, not only did die Turner adopt an intransigent attitude like Goetz, but also die Turner agreed with Diem, who stated that the control of each field of activity should be regulated.
- 2008-12-10
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