日本人就労者におけるプロアクティヴな性格特性の特徴 : 就労者用尺度の開発と特徴分析
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Proactive personality, defined as the relatively stable tendency to effect environment change, is one of the factors that predict effective organizational behavior. A Japanese version of the Proactive Personality scale (PPS) for employees was developed and its reliability and validity was assessed. In Study I, 17-items based on the PPS (Bateman & Grant, 1993) was administered to a sample of 373 employees. Principal factor analysis was conducted on this data and a one-factor structure with high factor loadings was identified for 15 items. In Study II, a second sample of 354 employees not associated with the initial sampling were administered the 15-item scale. Principal factor analysis was replicated and led to a revised, unidimensional scale with 14 items. The 14-item PPS was found to have strong internal consistency, split-half reliability and concurrent validity in correlation to scores on occupational strain. Relationship between proactive personality and cognitive appraisal was investigated. Proactive personality was positively correlated with three factors of cognitive appraisal, 'controllability' 'commitment', and moderately correlated with 'appraisal of threat.' The correlations between Proactive Personality, strain and cognitive appraisal suggested a tendency for proactive personality in Japanese employees. Future directions for proactive personality research are discussed.
- 北翔大学の論文
- 杉山善郎先生を偲んで
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