「しあわせ宅配便」(宮城県古川市生涯学習人材バンク)の構築実験 : 「大学の地域貢献」としてのインターネット活用・生涯学習支援の試み
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The future of our local communities in the 21st century will depend on the promotion of lifelong learning and the development of the networked information society. Technical progress in computing and networking and Greater use of IT including the use of internet will make it possible to offer people access to a wide range of lifelong learning resources. In this paper I examine and present a framework for encouraging the development of community-based lifelong learning with reference to building on the site of "SHIAWASE TAKUHAIBIN", the OnLine Learning Opportunities Delivery System and Instructors DataBank for Lifelong Learning, Furukawa City, Miyagi.論文
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- 「しあわせ宅配便」(宮城県古川市生涯学習人材バンク)の構築実験 : 「大学の地域貢献」としてのインターネット活用・生涯学習支援の試み