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The self-control training, using ohno's "Clinical Self-Control Method" was conducted ten times each on a three - day cycle, five-day cycle, and seven-day cycle, on eight, nine, and eight subjects, respectively. The purpose of this study were to examine the differences in proficiency in self-control among the three training cycles and to determine the validity of the training cycle on self-control. Also the warmth training to raise skin temperature was added to this self-control training. Changes in the skin temperature and also number of breaths were measured for further analyses in this study. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The highest degree of proficiency in self - control was found in the five-day cycle, seven - day cycle, and three-day cycle, going from highest to lowest. 2) Changes in the skin temperature appeared to be mainly divided into the following three patterns: (1) Pattern A: the skin temperature rose either right after or a few seconds after the self-control training. (2) Pattern B: the skin temperature dropped either right after or a few seconds after the training, and then rose. (3) Pattern C : either no changes in the skin temperature occurred or the pattern belonged to neither Pattern A nor B. It was found that changes in the skin temperature occurred most frequently in Pattern C, then Pattern B, and then Pattern A, as the number of trainings were increased. This transition of patterns occurred apparently in the five-day as well as the seven-day cycle. 3) A decrease in the number of breath was found in all three training cycles; however, the difference was not significant. From the results, the most effective training cycle on self-control was found to be of the five-day cycle. The seven-day cycle appeared to be the second best training cycle. The three-day cycle was assumed to be an improper training method in self-control since the changes in the skin temperature were unstable.
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