スポーツ外傷および障害の発生機序および予防に関する研究 : 脛骨過労性骨膜炎の発生機転に関する一考察
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In 1985 Michael et al. reported radionuclide bone scanning and anatomical study on shin splint. In that paper he concluded that the painful site in shin splint is the origin of soleus muscle and its investing fascia, and the hyperpronation of the subtalar joint produce stress change in that site producing the periostitis. This experiment has been carried out to verify if there is statiscically significant difference of the pronation angle of the subtalar joint between the persons with shin splint and without shin splint. Three kinds of the subtalar pronation angle were measured on each person; Passive subtalar pronation angle, unilateral standing pronation angle, and pronation angle in running 200m per minite. There were statistically significant difference in passive subtalar pronation angle and the subtalar pronation angle in running (midstance phase) between the persons with shin splint and without shin splint. No significant difference were noted in the unilateral standing: pronation angle.
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- 女子剣道における外傷
- スポーツ外傷および障害の発生機序および予防に関する研究 : 脛骨過労性骨膜炎の発生機転に関する一考察
- 膝のスポーツ外傷・障害と装具