Sensitivity Analysis of Primary Pollutants on Generating Photochemical Oxidants over the Osaka Bay and its Surrounding Areas of Japan
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In this paper an attempt has been made to elucidate the relationship between the formation of photochemical oxidants and the emission rate of the primary pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NO_x) and reactive hydrocarbons (RH) over the Osaka Bay and its surrounding areas of Japan, by using a three-dimensional grid model. In Harima area, reduction in the primary pollutant emission led to simple decrease in the peak O_3 concentration, and OH and HO_2 radical concentrations. In Osaka area, unlike the Harima area, reduction in NO_x emission led to an increase in OH and HO_2 radicals concentrations, and conversely to an increase in O_3 concentration. It has also been found that the time of peak O_3 concentration would appear earlier with reduction in NO_x emission, and later with reduction in RH emission. Under meteorological calm condition, the variations of the time of appearance of peak O_3 due to the emissions reduction scenario are small. Sea breeze may be one of the important meteorological phenomena responsible for the transport of pollutants such as NO_x, RH, and also O_3 in the polluted coastal areas. These important results suggest that a method for a well-balanced reduction in both NO_x and RH emissions is essential for the improvement of air quality from photochemical pollution over the Osaka Bay and its surrounding areas of Japan.
- 社団法人日本気象学会の論文
- 2008-12-25
LEE Kyoung-Min
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University
Oh Jai-ho
Department Of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences Pukyong National University
Lee Kyoung-min
Department Of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences Pukyong National University
Kondo A
Shiga Agricultural Experiment Station Shiga Jpn
Soda Satoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Kim Do-Yong
Center for Atmosphere Science and Earthquake Research, Korea Meteorological Administration
Kim Do-yong
Center For Atmosphere Science And Earthquake Research Korea Meteorological Administration
Kim Do-yong
Center For Atmospheric Sciences & Earthquake Research The Korea Meteorological Administration
Kondo Akira
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Kondo Akira
Graduate School Of Bioindustry Tokyo University Of Agriculture
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