アジアの統合と戦後日本の経済復興(大会報告・共通論題 : ケインズ政策の展開と経済統合)
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In this monograph we have investigated the Asian case under the theme "Economic Restoration and Integration after II World War-Europe and Asia". The economic integration in Western Europe has influenced Asia though its process, and it has shown the possibility that Asia could expand the commerce in the area. At the same time it has stimulated efforts to improve the system of financial trasactions. However, the Asian economic integration has been limited because the foreign trade of countries in this area was not complementary to economic development of each country, and because their economic dependency on their European colonial power was decisive. The movement for the integration, on the contrary, consolidated bilateral economic reletions with their old suzerain states or United States. As such bilateral economic relations were established, and due to different levels of economic development, the Asian countries were prevented from receiving the external financial aid such as the Marshal Plan, and from establishing organizations like Asian Payment Union, both of which were indispensable to an economic integration. Though the Japanese industrial power was highly desired by the Asian nations, the strong anti-Japanese feeling and mistrust of Japan by European powers prevented Japan's participation. United States assumed that if the old suzerain states were integrated under the global economic system, the previous Asian colonies could be easily controlled by the system. The American policy of Japanese occupation aimed to connect the Japanese economic restoration with the development of the other Asian countries, but no concrete scheme was realized. Little consideration was given as to how the old colonies and occupied areas could be part of the global economic system. The integration of Asian countries into the post-war global economic system required new systems of intergovernmental cooperation and controls, which were beyond the level of European experience.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1998-04-20
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- アジアの統合と戦後日本の経済復興(大会報告・共通論題 : ケインズ政策の展開と経済統合)
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