戦後西ヨーロッパの再建と経済統合の進展(1945-1958年) : 連邦主義の理想と現実(大会報告・共通論題 : ケインズ政策の展開と経済統合)
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After World War II, the European integration has developed by means of formation of the European communities, European Steal and Coal Community (ECSC), EEC, EURATOM, EC and EU. Based on the federalism, European countries participating in these communties, have aimed at forming the United States of Europe. According to federalists, the sovereignities of states should be removed to international organization in order to compose their common development policy. So international organization should administer the countries which will construct it, and national goverments should become local goverments. In fact, some parts of national sovereignities have been transfered to the organizations of the communities. But the High Authority of ECSC, given administrative power on the coal and steal industries in six countries by Paris Treaty, could not control them well. During the first five years (1953-57), it could neither govern commercial transactions nor investments of enterprises in these industries. In parallel with the action of ECSC, the negociation to creat new economic communities has started in 1955 after the failure in the establishement of the European Defence Community. In that negociation, the delegates of Germany and Benelux states laid stress on the liberalization of trade, instead of the federalization of six countries. French finaly accepting the proposion, the Rome Treaty which established EEC and EURATOM was signed in 1957. In the result, two commissions of EEC and EURATOM had less administrative authority than High Authority of ECSC. In other word, Councils of Ministers which represented national governments had relatively much power in EEC and EURATOM. In this way, six countries modified the federal principle of European integration at the begining of EEC.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1998-04-20
- 小島健著, 『欧州建設とベルギー-統合の社会経済史的研究-』, 日本経済評論社, 2007年, 358頁
- フランス第2次近代化設備計画とヨーロッパ石炭鉄鋼共同体(1954年-1956年) : 鉄鋼共同市場におけるフランス鉄鋼業
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- 戦後西ヨーロッパの再建と経済統合の進展(1945-1958年) : 連邦主義の理想と現実(大会報告・共通論題 : ケインズ政策の展開と経済統合)
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- ヨーロッパ石炭鉄鋼共同体のカルテル規制(1952-1954年) : フランス鉄鋼業の事例を中心に
- シューマン・プランとフランス鉄鋼業(1950-52年) : ヨーロッパ石炭鉄鋼共同体の創設
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- フランス第2次近代化設備計画とヨーロッパ石炭鉄鋼共同体(1954年-1956年) : 鉄鋼共同市場におけるフランス鉄鋼業
- 廣田功編, 『現代ヨーロッパの社会経済政策-その形成と展望-』, 日本経済評論社, 2006年3月, 338頁, 3,990円