1930年代の山東権益をめぐる日中関係 : 膠済鉄道の諸利権を中心に
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The Shantung Intetests which Japan succeeded from Germany by occupying Tsingtao in the first World War were mostly restored to China in the Washington Conference, while part of them, for example railway has been maintained afterward. But the researches up to this time have not been thrown light on the transition of the Shantung Interests after the Washington Conference. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the realities of the Shantung Interests in the 1930s by attaching importance to the Chinese policy and taking a case of Kiaochow-Tsinan railway which is the core of the Shantung Interests. The concrete object of this paper is firstly to make clear of the reason and the measure which Japan had tried to maintain and expand the Shantung Interests, secondly to examine the Chinese counterplot toward the Japanese policy, thirdly to analyze the effect of the Chinese policy upon the Japanese Interests. In this paper, classifying the Japanese Interests of Kiaochow-Tsinan railway into five side-redemption of treasury bond, construction of the extension, supply of railway materials, freight rates problem, and competence of two Japanese heads, I examined the transition of each one. The following is the outline of this analysis. Firstly, Japan has tried to maintain the Interests by preventing China from redeeming the bond, and to expand by constructing the extension of the railway. China, on the contrary, has been trying to redeem the bond, and independently advancing in construction of the extension. In the administration of the railway, Japanese supply of railway materials have been scare, because of Chinese tendency to rejection. Moreover, Japanese Capital has been forced the unfavorable competition owing to the discriminating treatment in freight rates. And mutilation of Japanese head's competence caused these tendencies. After all, until the 1930s, Japan had made much of the Interests as a base of economic advance into North China, and had tried to maintain and expand the Interests by forcing Shantung Province to be her sphere of influence. But China, by strengthening her government power to Shantung, had proceeded to weaken the Japanese Interests. As a result, not only Japanese Interests of Kiaochow-Tsinan railway but also the other economic foundation in Shantung has been declined.
- 1994-01-20
- 「空のシルクロード」の再検証 : 欧亜航空連絡をめぐる多国間関係
- 1930年代の山東権益をめぐる日中関係 : 膠済鉄道の諸利権を中心に
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