再生産構造の基軸・構成転換と農村解体 : ME化・アジア化の一過程における矛盾(大会報告)
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Japanese agriculture in the 1980's, especially after the G5 Meeting in 1985, is characterized by different types of problems from the earlier period. Through the 1960's and 70's, rapid growth in the conventional heavy and chemical industries such as steel, machinery and chemical manufacturing had enforced small-scale farming as the base of labour supply for capital, which inevitably turned the agricultural economy towards the economy of part-time farming. In this type of economy, a complementary relationship had been formed where low wages in off-farm employment were supplemented by agricultural income, however small, while low agricultural income was supplemented by off-farm income. This was largely responsible for the coexistence of low prices for agricultural products and the low-wage rate, which was essential for the enhancement of capital accumulation in the industrial sector. In the 1960's and 70's, the heavy and chemical industries had developed a strong export market concentrated on the United States, in return for which Japan's agricultural imports from the US also increased. Consequently, the self-sufficiency rate in agriculture declined greatly, even to the point where one may say that Japanese agriculture as an industry had been destroyed. Farmers were naturally antagonistic, but their sense of crisis had been largely removed by a reasonable level of cash income from off-farm employment, ownership of highly valued land, and the rice price support policy. In the 1980's, revolutionary progress in micro electronics has been responsible for the formation of a new type of front-line industry, and Japan's micro-electronics industry, such as ICs, occupied the leading position in the world non-military technology market by the late 80's. This has had a severe impact on the same industry in the United States, faced as it was with both financial and trade deficiencies to the degree that it became a debtor country in 1985, with a consequent decline in the value of the dollar. This has resulted in increasingly stronger demands for Japan to liberalize agricultural imports including rice. On the other hand, Japanese firms have been rapidly establishing local production units in overseas countries. The combined impact of these changes on Japan's rural sector has been very serious in that both agricultural income and off-farm income are now facing severe instability. There are also very strong regional differences in the new trend. Because of the concentration of finance, information and technologically advanced industries in Tokyo and its vicinity, the critical condition of the rural sector has been much more strongly felt in out-lying areas of the country.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
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