- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper consists in elucidating the transformation in the local structure of the northern Burgundy (Bourgogne) from the socio-economic point of view. On the French political history one sets generally the first stage of the feudalism between 1000 and 1160, after the famous study concerning the region of Maconnais by G. Duby (1953). But we cannot deny that a series of other regional researches have the tendency to insist on the continuance of baronial power in the first half of this stage and on it's remarkable development, i. e. on the gradual formation of the "principaute territoriale" in it's second half, particularly in the northern part of France. We divided for convenience' sake the domination of landlords into personal aspect and material one. For the first aspect, the lords are obliged under the augmentation of fluidity to take necessary measures for preventing their tenants from getting rid of their domain (manor) with their property. The lords often made a contract each other on the title to immigrants into their domains. For the second aspect, we can find out the general advance of the property of tenants in their voluntary disposition of their tenures and in their right considerably solid to forest's usage. Corresponding to the tendency the lords take measures to dominate peasants depending more and more on their tenures. This is what we name the "realisation" of lordship. The appearance of terms meaning the genuine rent, i. e. "terragium", "terciae", proves the validity and the efficiency of this conception. The complex dominion could be more clearly indicated in the juridical right of lords, particularly the right of "advocatio" exercised by lay lords. The penetration of the reform of Gregory caused more advanced union between lay lords and churches, which provided with more favourable conditions for the barons to accumulate their powers and to make their territory more organic unity. In this respect the control over the fluidity provided them not only with revenue from toll and market tax, but with means to regulate immigrants who played the most important role for the cultivation promoted with energy by lords of middle and low classes. We must insist on the importance of the fluidity in this period, which transformed the character of the lordship and accelerated directly or indirectly the formation of the "territorial" baronies and principalities.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1981-07-20
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- ヨーロッパ : 中世 : 西欧(一九九六年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)