「二つの道」諭と『帝国主義論』 : レーニンの軍事的=封建的帝国主義規定との関連において
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Lenin's theoretical activities may be conveniently subdivided into the three periods as follows : 1893-1914, 1914-1917, 1917-1924. The epochal works of the first period are "The Development of Capitalism in Russia", "The Agrarian Program of Social Democrats in the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907", and the basic subject for debate there is above all the special agrarian question in Russia which does't still complete the process of cleaning out the mediaeval forms of land ownership. In the second peroid Lenin is absorbed in the study on Imperialism which was begun simultaneously with the outbreak of the First World War. From the standpoint of elucidating Lenin's definition of "military and feudal imperialism", this article endeavours to make clear the theoretical connection between the first and the second period, in other words, the theory of "two paths" of the development of capitalism in the agriculture and the theory of Imperialism. Therefore, this article is divided into three parts. The first part makes clear the historical premise of military and feudal imperialism, taking the focus to the Stolypin policy, which was the answer of the tsarist regime to the events of 1905, and the theory of "two paths". In consequence of the failure of this policy, which aimed at the transition to bourgeois monarchy, tsarist Russia rushed headlong into the First World War, without completing the tasks of the bourgeois-democratic revolution. In the second part we place such tsarist Russia in the imperialistic connection of world, and endeavour to make clear the concept of military and feudal imperialism. In the third part, we explain the significance of the change of Lenin's views in his famous April Theses, in connection with transition from monopoly capitalism to state monopoly capitalism.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1976-10-20
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- 「二つの道」諭と『帝国主義論』 : レーニンの軍事的=封建的帝国主義規定との関連において
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- 『資本論』成立過程におけるマルクス「経済表」の意義 : マルクスによる再生産論=恐慌論の体系化を展望して