- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article, the author considers the industrial organization of the woollen manufacture and the question of town versus country in Wiltshire, .of which industry was most advanced in England in early modern times. At first, the author analyzes inventories of white broadcloth clothiers, copies of which were sent from Wiltshire Record Office, and finds out that they carried on only a part of preparing process and warping process in their own premises. They depended mainly on their family labours, and seldom employed outside wage earners in their workshops. Therefore, it can be said that they did not build up such "manufactures" as K. Marx defined in "Das Kapital". But they employed, through putting-out system, many neighbouring spinners and weavers, who were de facto wage earners and worked on materials of clothiers by piece-work. Then, analyzing an inventory of Spanish-cloth clothier, the author proves that, on his own premises, he carried on finishing process such as handling and shearing, besides preparing and warping processes. Judging from his various many instruments in his inventory, it may safely be said that Spanish-cloth clothiers usually built up "manufactures" in their workshops. But they also employed spinners and weavers in their own houses through putting-out system. Therefore, whether "manufacture" in his workshop or not, we may regard as an industrial capital, i. e., "dispersed manufacture", the whole organization which contained not only his workshop but also putting out system. As to the rural industry, it developed in Cheese-Butter country in the later Middle ages, being accelerated by trade with London. It was also controlled by putters-out in market towns such as Trowbridge and Bradford-on Avon. The organization of their management was just the same as that of town clothiers. In corporate towns such as Salisbury and Devizes, there happened the differentiation of crafts within the craftgilds, and amalgamation of the crafts in 16th and 17th centuries. So that, clothiers of these towns established putting-out system over neighbouring spinners and weavers, changing the crafts into companies. We may regard them as early modern industrial capitalists. It was rather in cities, boroughs, market towns, and corporate towns than in rural area that early modern industrial capitalists rose.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
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- イギリス産業革命史研究の視点--その発端をめぐって
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