日本資本主義展開過程における蚕糸業発達の歴史的意義 : 明治前期埼玉県における蚕糸業と綿業の分析を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
I The Problem and the Point of View of Analysis In the Meiji era, Japan appeared on the stage of World Market as a young capitalistic nation. How was then the industrial structure of Japan characterized by the growth of silk-manufacturing industry - represented by silk-reeling industry that was ranked first in the export trade of Japan? We are to analyze this problem in relation to the cotton industry that prompted the formation of 'Local Market Areas' in Japan, looking back upon 'The Disputes on Manufacture'. II The Geographical Distribution and the Historical Character of Several Industries in Saitama Prefecture in the First Decade of the Meiji Era. Capitalistic development was dawning in the field of the cotton industry, but was yet to come in that of silk-manufacturing industry. The relation of the two industries shows the confrontation between the farming population's economy and the feudel-lords' economy. III The Structural Change of Market and the Crooked Structure of Industry By the middle of the Meiji era, the silk-manufacturing industry has developed to a high degree, while the cotton industry has been re-organized, being forced by the World Market. At the same time the Market Structure was also reorganized by it. This implies not merely that it ruined the independent 'National Economy' yet in its germ state, but also that 'The Semi-Feudal Structure of Japanese Capitalism' came to be situated in the system of international capitalism.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1969-04-20
- 木村幹著, 『朝鮮/韓国ナショナリズムと小国意識-朝貢国から国民国家へ-』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2000年, xiii+362+8頁
- 日本資本主義展開過程における蚕糸業発達の歴史的意義 : 明治前期埼玉県における蚕糸業と綿業の分析を中心に