The Phenotypic Fluctuation Factor for Male Sterility in A1 Male-Sterile Lines of Sorghum (Sorgum bicolor Moench)
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The present study was conducted to clarify the factors shaping the extent of male sterility inA1 male-sterile lines of sorghum (Sorgum bicolor Moench). Eleven male-sterile lines (A-line)with A1 cytoplasm were grown both on a university farm during crop season and in growthchambers controlled under three different temperatures during the period from the 3rd to the10th leaf stages in 1999. Based on the degree of seed and pollen fertility in artificial self-pollinatedplant, A-lines were classified into 4 groups. Six cultivars of Group-1, ‘MS79,’ ‘CK60,’‘Martin,’ ‘Reliance,’ ‘Wheatland’ and ‘Tx624,’ showed stable male-sterility in all experimentalconditions examined. ‘MS138’ of Group-2 showed variable sterility under minimum temperaturesabove 24℃, and ‘Tx3048’ of Group-3 showed variable sterility under maximum temperaturesabove 26.5℃ at flower initiation stage. Three cultivars of Group-4, ‘Redbine58,’ ‘Redlan’and ‘Westland,’ showed variable sterility with restoration of pollen fertility in the fieldcondition. In male-sterile sorghum lines like ‘MS138’ and ‘Tx3048,’ a physiological conditionbetween early vacuolated pollen stage and engorged pollen stage is considered to be criticalfor conversion from sterile to fertile.
Tarumoto Isao
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osa
Fujimori Masahiro
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
Tarumoto Isao
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osa
Fujimori Masahiro
National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Sciences
Yanase Masanori
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osa
Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, O
Ishii (adachi)
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osa
Fujimori Masahiro
National Agriculture And Food Research Organization (naro) Tohoku Agricultural Research Center
Ishii Emi
Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
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