精神の力 : 民間精神療法の思想
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From circa 1903 to 1930 there flourished a variety of alternative healing systems called "Reijutsu" (meaning "the technique of spirit") or "Seihin Ryoho" (literally meaning "psychotherapy"). In those systems healers used the power of "seishin" (mind) to cure the sick. Though those systems were derived from the mesmerism imported from America, the concept of mind and body in Japanese healing systems is different from that of the corresponding system in America. Adding to this, the usage of the term "seishin" is different from one healer to another, so the meaning of this word is not so easy to define. First, in this paper, he theory of a famous American mesmerist, John Bovee Dods, is discussed. His theory consists of the materialistic world view of electricity and the religious belief in the existence of the human soul and God. Then the monistic tendency of Japanese philosophy is discussed, using the example of a popular philosophy by Kuroiwa Shuroku. In Kuroiwa's theory, there is no space for substantial "soul." His theory resembles that of a healer, Kuwabara Toshiro, who stressed the supernatural power of "seishin," which was thought of as energy without personality. Kuwabara used only the power of will to cure the sick, without using the exercise of body. After Kuwabara, there appeared many healers, most of whom used the bodily techniques in practice but used the concept of "seishin" to explain supernormal healings. A reijutsu healer named Nagai Reiyo made a distinction between "seishin" and "seimei" (life). He thought "seishin" was egoistic and unstable, and following the stream of "seimei" without will is the best way of healing. So in the Japanese system of alternative healings, "seishin" is not something pre-existent, but a symbolical term to raise will-power. So when it became unnecessary to use this concept in healing, it was discarded for another term.
- 人体科学会の論文
- 2007-08-30
- 津城寛文著, 『の探究-近代スピリチュアリズムと宗教学-』, 春秋社, 二〇〇五年一〇月三〇日刊, 四六判, ix+二七二頁, 二五〇〇円+税
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