(4)周産期医療システム改善への取り組み : 地域の情報共有化と母体搬送システム(<特集>第60回学術講演会シンポジウム4「産婦人科医不足の解消を目指して」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
<Purpose> Presently, medical treatment of obstetric and gynecology has been faced with diverse problems, including expanding distance between medical facilities due to the decrease of their number, lower convenience and delay of emergency response. In order to maintain the safe and secure provision system of obstetric and gynecology medical treatment, these problems is required to solve promptly. Therefore, we examined 1) the attempt to share the medical information by electronic chart in the local medical provision system and 2) the current condition of extensive maternal transport, especially by helicopter. 1. Sharing the information of local medical information <Method> The Internet type medical electronic reporting system was introduced to share the perinatal information. <Result> All the information on perinatal medical care, including pregnancy check-up, fetal echographic images and measurement data and partogram is computerized and facilitated for data analysis and installation of the Internet type perinatal electronic chart system with the comprehensive electronic medical report system. In addition, this system may associate with the Internet, which allows us to smoothly share the intervention information by connecting to our satellite clinic through the Internet line. 2. Structuring a maternal transport system <Method> We examined the number of actual maternal transport from 2000 to 2005, original areas of transport request, transport measures and the reason of non-transport. <Result> The transport from within the medical district was no drastic change. However from outside of the medical district the transport was rapidly increased from 2005 and the request number of maternal transport was reached 67% in 2007. Among one hundred nine actual transports, forty-nine were from within the medical district, forty-seven from outside the medical district within the prefecture and thirteen from outside the prefecture. For transport measure, eighty-four were by ambulance and twenty-five were by helicopter (one from within the medical district, seventeen from outside the medical district within the prefecture and seven from outside the prefecture). <Conclusion> The Internet type perinatal electronic chart system enables us to share intervention information between facilities by connecting to the Internet network. It shall be also a highly effective measure to commoditize local intervention information, including open delivery system, semi-open and patient referral. Furthermore, the areas of maternal transport have been expanded due to the decrease of perinatal medical facilities. Medical helicopter transport such as doctor helicopter in addition to ambulance should, therefore, be positively introduced in order to reduce the transport time for emergency.
- 2008-12-01
- 当院における母体救急搬送の現状報告
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- P2-456 周産期医療集約化における母体搬送の問題点(Group164 周産期医療体制,一般演題,第59回日本産婦人科学会学術講演会)
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- 千葉県周産期母体搬送システムの現状
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- (4)周産期医療システム改善への取り組み : 地域の情報共有化と母体搬送システム(第60回学術講演会シンポジウム4「産婦人科医不足の解消を目指して」)
- (6) 周産期医療システム改善への取り組み : 地域の情報共有化と母体搬送システム(産婦人科医不足の解消を目指して,シンポジウム4,第60回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会)
- 総合周産期母子医療センター開設後の母体搬送の現状
- 診療 周産期医療集約化における母体搬送の問題点
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- 日本産婦人科医会の進めるWeb周産期電子カルテとモバイル胎児心拍転送システムの開発 : 経済産業省による4地域実証モデル実験
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- 産褥・授乳期の栄養管理 (今月の臨床 妊婦と胎児の栄養管理)
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- P3-16-9 術後創部感染症の発症リスク因子 : 選択的帝王切開術(Group 121 周産期・感染症(症例),一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第65回学術講演会)