振動締固めにより埋戻した砂地盤の土圧 Tsang-Jiang Chen : Earth Pressure due to Vibratory Compaction [ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Vol.134,No.4,April 2008,pp.437-444](構造,文献抄録)
都市部の掘削におけるプレストレスを与えた腹起しによる新しい山留め架構 Jong-Sik Park,Yong-Sun Joo and Nak-Kyung Kim:New Earth Retention System with Prestressed Wales in an Urban Excavation [ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Vol.135,No.11,November 2009,pp.1596-160
振動締固めにより埋戻した砂地盤の土圧 Tsang-Jiang Chen : Earth Pressure due to Vibratory Compaction [ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Vol.134,No.4,April 2008,pp.437-444](構造,文献抄録)
上海の軟弱地盤における大深度掘削に伴う山留め壁と周辺地盤の挙動 J.H. Wang,Z.H. Xu and W.D. Wang:Wall and Ground Movements due to Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Soils [ASCE Journal of Geotech.and Geoenvir.Engrg.,Vol.136,No.7,July 2010,pp.985-994](構造,文献抄録)
摩擦を考慮した接触要素を用いた拡底杭のFEM解析 Daichao Sheng, Haruyuki Yamamoto, Reter Wriggers : Finite Element Analysis of Enlarged End Piles Using Frictional Contact [Soils and Foundations, Vol.48, No.1, Feb.2008, pp. 1-14](構造,文献抄録)
深層地盤改良体を用いた合成山留め壁,Yong Shao, Emir Jose Macari, and Weiming Cai: Compound deep soil mixing columns for retaining structures in excavations[ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Enginnering, Vol.131, No.11, pp.1370-1377](構造,文献抄録)
ソイルセメントコラムの施工に伴う地盤の側方変位量の修正予測法 Jinchun Chai,John P.Carter,Norihiko Miura and Hehua Zhu:Improved Prediction of Lateral Deformations due to Installation of Soil-Cement Columns [ASCE Journal of Geotech.and GeGeoenvir.Engrg.,Vol.135,No.12,December 2009,pp.183
エネルギー杭(熱交換杭)の冷却・加熱時における地盤工学的、熱力学的挙動-ロンドンのランベス大学における熱交換杭の試験-P.J.Bourne Webb, B.Amatya,K.Soga, T.Anis, C.Davidson and P.Payne, :Energy pile test at Lambeth College,London:geotechnical and thermodynamic aspects of pile response to heat cycles[Geotechnique,Vo
ココヤシ繊維を用いた補強土の強度及び剛性の評価 G. L. Sivakumar Babu,A. K. Vasudevan:Evaluation of strength and stiffness response of coir-fibre-reinforced soil [Ground Improvement,Vol.11,No.3,July 2007,pp.111-116](構造,文献抄録)
中国の虎跳峡地域における岩混り土の工学的特性, W.-J. Xu, R.-L. Hu, R.-J. Tan: Some geomechanical properties of soil-rock mixtures in the Hutiao Gorge area, China[Geotechnique, Vol.57, No.3, March 2007, pp.255-264](構造,文献抄録)
液状化対策に用いる懸濁液型の薬液注入工法の原位置実大試験, Patricia M. Gallagher, Carolyn T. Conlee, and Kyle M. Rollins: Full-Scale Field Testing of Colloidal Sillica Grouting for Mitigation of Liquefaction Risk[ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.133,
平板形状及び立方体形状のゴムタイヤチップを混入した砂の強度・変形特性, D.T. Bergado, S. Youwai, and A. Rittirong: Strength and deformation characteristics of flat and cubical rubber tyre chip-sand mixtures [Geotechnique, Vol.55, No.8, August 2005, pp.603-606](構造,文献抄録)
繊維を混入した砂の等方圧条件における圧縮特性, Nilo Cesar Consoli, Michele Dal Toe Casagrande, and Matthew Richard Coop : Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on the Isotropic Compression Behavior of a Sand[ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.131, No.11,
上海の軟弱粘土地盤における多段切梁を用いた大深度掘削の計測挙動, G.B.Liu, Charles W.W.Ng, and Z.W.Wang: Observed Performance of a Deep Multistrutted Excavation in Shanghai Soft Clays[ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.131, No.8, August 2005, pp.1004-1013]