Calculation of Ecofactors for Japan : Method for Environmental Accounting based on the EcoScarcity Princuple(Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index)
International Coastal Research Center, Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Azuma Kentaro
International Christian University
Siegenthaler Claude
International Christian University
Schoenbaum Thomas
International Christian University
Miyazaki Nobuyuki
International Christian University
- Effects of triphenyltin exposure on the red alga Eucheuma denticulatum
- Organotin levels in bivalves in Southeast Asia
- Effects of tributyltin on the chlorophyll contents of marine microalga Tetraselmis tetrathele, Nannochloropsis oculata and Dunaliella sp.
- Biological effects of low concentrations of tributyltin on the caprellid amphipod Caprella danilevskii
- Migratory history and habitat use of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in the Sanriku Coast of Japan
- Theoretische Grundlage der okologischen Buchhaltung : Rechnung der Umweltbelastungen durch die doppelte Okobilanzierung(Study Note 2,Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index)
- 日本とその近隣諸国との領土及び海洋を巡る紛争の解決に向けて--問題と機会
- Calculation of Ecofactors for Japan : Method for Environmental Accounting based on the EcoScarcity Princuple(Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index)
- Application of JEPIX to Komatsu, One of the Largest Manufactures in Japan(Study Note 3,Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index)
- ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND ECOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS(Study Note 1,Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index)