心の健康教育に対する卒業生の意識について : 養護教諭養成課程卒業生調査より
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A questionnaire survey regarding the awareness and implementation status of mental health education in schools was conducted among currently active Yogo Teachers who graduated from the Kumamoto University Department of Education and had completed the School Health Teacher Curriculum. The current status and challenges regarding mental health education were discussed. The findings are shown below. Most schools, primarily under the leadership of Yogo Teachers and homeroom teachers, are striving to improve mental health education. Most of the Yogo Teachers surveyed recognize the necessity of mental health education and are working hard to acquire information and deeper knowledge in the subject. In the survey responses the challenge of common understanding and collaboration among all teachers in the promotion of mental health education was pointed out. Many respondents felt that what they learned at university about mental health education was not adequate and that they want the university education for training teachers to be more thorough.
- 2008-12-19
論文 | ランダム
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