血管内皮細胞のtube formationにおよぼす低出力レーザー照射の影響 : 線維芽細胞とのco-cultureによる検討
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It is well known that low level laser treatment using diode laser has healing effect on wounds. Wound healing is a complex process of coordinated interactions between various types of cells. However, the interrelationship between these cells and stimulatory effects of laser irradiation in wound healing process is not clear. We used a diode laser with low level output. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts were cultured to perform a proliferation assay to determine the endothelial cell growth by the low level laser and/or by the soluble factors derived from fibroblasts. The effects of the low level laser on tube formation in angiogenesis were assessed using 3D co-culture model. In addition, we measured VEGF and active TGF-β1 in the medium from the 3D co-culture model. In the proliferation assay, fibroblasts derived from soluble factors promoted proliferation of endothelial cells, and laser irradiation with soluble factors also promoted proliferation of endothelial cells. In the 3D co-culture model, endothelial cells differentiated more than mono-culture. Laser irradiation activated maturation of endothelial cells after 24 hours. On the other hand, VEGF secretion significantly increased compared with the control 48 hours after the laser irradiation. We could not find detectable active TGF-β1 in the medium with or without the laser irradiation. In conclusion, low level laser irradiation promoted proliferation and differentiation of endothelial cells with soluble factors derived from fibroblasts. Moreover, we suggest that the stimulatory effects of laser irradiation were closely correlated with cell behavior such as cellular proliferation or cellular maturation.
- 奥羽大学の論文
中川 敏浩
茂呂 祐利子
安部 仁晴
西上 堅二
安部 仁晴
茂呂 祐利子
西上 堅二
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